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Missouri Stone Industry in Chronological Order
The Missouri Stone Industry in Chronological Order
- 1856 - The following excerpt is from the 1856, The
Marble-Workers’ Handbook,
pg. 251:
“Veined and crystalline Marbles are found in Missouri.”
- 1866
- Building Materials
in Missouri circa 1866, Excerpt from Physical Geography
of Missouri in First Annual Report on The Commissioner of Statistics, To
The General Assembly of Missouri For The Year 1866, by Professor C.
G. Swallow.
- 1870 – Stone/Mineral Wealth of Southwestern Missouri, Excerpt from Mineral
Wealth of Missouri, Lecture entitled “Description of South-Western
Missouri and South-Eastern Kansas... – Hints to Settlers, &c.,” by
Prof. C.D. Wilbur, Inspector of Mining Lands, Delivered in the Hall of Representatives,
Jefferson City, Missouri, on February 18 and 19, 1870.
- 1880
- Missouri Building Stones & Geology as of 1880, Excerpts
from the Report
on The Building Stones of The United States, and Statistics of the Quarry
Industry for 1880, by George W. Hawes, Curator of the
Department of Mineralogy and Lithology at the National Museum, and by F.
W. Sperr and Thomas C. Kelly, Joint production of the Census Office and
the National Museum, 1983, 410 pp. (Missouri section, pp. 265-274.)
- 1882 – The
Missouri Stone and Building Industry in 1882 (transcription), Excerpts from Mineral
Resources of the United States, Calendar Year 1882, J.
S. Powell, Director, Department of the Interior, United States Geological
Survey, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1883. Excerpts
from the chapters on (1) “Structural Materials” and (2) “The
Useful Minerals of the United States.”
- 1882
- Missouri Building Stones and Geology, Excerpts from History
of Boone County, Missouri...Including a History of Its Townships,
Towns and Villages, St. Louis: Western Historical Company,
- 1883 and 1884 Missouri Stone Industry, Excerpts from Mineral
Resources of the United States – Calendar Years 1883 and 1884 (PDF images of sections), Department
of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Government Printing
Office, Washington, D. C., 1885.
- 1885 – The Missouri Stone and Building Industry in 1885, Excerpts
from Mineral
Resources of the United States, Calendar Year 1885 (PDF images of sections), David
T. Day, Geologist, Department of the Interior, United States Geological
Survey, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1887. Excerpt from
the chapter on “Structural Materials,” by H. S. Sproull.
- 1886 – The Missouri Stone and Building Industry, 1886, Excerpts
from Mineral
Resources of the United States, Calendar Year 1886 (PDF images of sections), David
T. Day, Chief of Division of Mining Statistics and Technology, Department
of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Government Printing Office,
Washington, D. C., 1887. Excerpts from the chapter on “Structural
Materials,” by William C. Day.
- 1886
- Missouri Building and Ornamental Stones, 1886, and History of the Missouri
Stone Industry, Excerpts from Report
of the United States National Museum Under the Direction of the Smithsonian
Institutions For the Year Ending June 30, 1886, Chapter
entitled, “The Collection of Building and Ornamental Stones In The
U. S. National Museum: A Hand-book and Catalogue,” by George P. Merrill,
Curator, Department Lithology and Physical Geology.
- 1887 - The Missouri Stone and Building Industry, 1887, Excerpts
from Mineral
Resources of the United States, Calendar Year 1887 (PDF images of sections), David
T. Day, Chief of Division of Mining Statistics and Technology, Department
of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Government Printing Office,
Washington, D. C., 1888.
- 1888 - The Missouri Stone and Building Industry, 1888, Excerpts
from Mineral
Resources of the United States, Calendar Year 1888 (PDF images of sections), David
T. Day, Chief of Division of Mining Statistics and Technology, Department
of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Government Printing Office,
Washington, D. C., 1890.
- 1889 & 1890 - The Missouri Stone and Building Industry, 1889
and 1890, Excerpts from Mineral
Resources of the United States, Calendar Year 1889 and 1890 (PDF images of sections), David
T. Day, Chief of Division of Mining Statistics and Technology, Department
of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Government Printing Office,
Washington, D. C., 1892.
- 1890 - The Building Stones of Missouri circa 1890 - “Notes
on The Building Stones, Clays and Sands of Iron, St.
Francois and Madison Counties,” by
G. E. Ladd, Assistant Geologist, in Bulletin 1, Geological Survey
of Missouri, Jefferson City, April 1890.
- 1890
- Missouri Stone Industry circa 1890, Excerpts from Annual
Report of the Geological Survey of Arkansas for 1890, Vol. IV. “Marbles
and Other Limestones,” 1893, by T. C. Hopkins.
- 1891 - The Missouri Stone and Building Industry, 1891, Excerpts
from Mineral
Resources of the United States, Calendar Year 1891 (PDF images of sections), David
T. Day, Chief of Division of Mining Statistics and Technology, Department
of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Government Printing Office,
Washington, D. C., 1893.
- 1891
- Missouri Building Stones, Excerpts from “Notes
on The Clays and Building Stones of Certain Western Central Counties Tributary
to Kansas City,” by G. E. Ladd, Assistant Geologist,
in Bulletin No. 5, Geological Survey of Missouri, Jefferson City,
July 1891, pp. 46-86. (This publications includes the following table: “Clays
and Building Stones. Statistical Table of Stone Quarries. For The Year 1890.”)
- 1892 - The Missouri Stone and Building Industry, 1892, Excerpts
from Mineral
Resources of the United States, Calendar Year 1892 (PDF images of sections), David
T. Day, Chief of Division of Mining Statistics and Technology, Department
of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Government Printing Office,
Washington, D. C., 1893.
- 1893 - The Missouri Stone and Building Industry, 1893, Excerpts
from Mineral
Resources of the United States, Calendar Year 1893 (PDF images of sections), David
T. Day, Chief of Division of Mining Statistics and Technology, Department
of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Government Printing Office,
Washington, D. C., 1894.
- 1893
- The Missouri Stone Industry, Excerpts from Stone:
An Illustrated Magazine, April 1893, Vol. VI, No. V, by
William C. Day, U. S. Geological Survey.
- 1894 – Missouri Stone Industry in 1894, Excerpts from
the Sixteenth
Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, Part IV.–Mineral
Resources of the United States, 1894, Nonmetallic Products (PDF images of sections), Department
of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Government Printing Office,
Washington, D. C., 1895. Excerpts from the chapter on “Stone,” by
William C. Day.
- 1895 – Missouri Stone Industry in 1895, Excerpts from
the Seventeenth
Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey (PDF images of sections), Part
3 - Continued, Mineral Resources of the United States, 1895, Nonmetallic
Products, Except Coal, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1896.
Excerpts from the chapter on “Stone,” by William C. Day.
- 1896 – Missouri Stone Industry in 1896, Excerpts from
the Eighteenth
Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey (PDF images of sections), Part
V - Continued, Mineral Resources of the United States, 1895, Nonmetallic
Products, Except Coal, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.,
1897. Excerpts from the chapter on “Stone,” by William C. Day.
(This publication includes on Missouri Granites, an abstract
of a paper by Prof. Charles R. Keyes, State Geologist of Missouri.)
- 1896 - Building
Stones in the Mine La Motte Area of Missouri, Excerpts
from A Report on Mine
La Motte Sheet, including Portions of Madison, St. Francois and Ste. Genevieve
Counties, by Charles Rollin Keyes, State Geologist, Missouri
Geological Survey, Reports on Areal Geology (Sheets 1-4) Volume IX, 1896.
- 1897 – Missouri Stone Industry in 1897, Excerpts from
the Nineteenth
Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey (PDF images of sections), Part
VI - Continued, Mineral Resources of the United States, 1897, Nonmetallic
Products, Except Coal and Coke, Government Printing Office, Washington,
D. C., 1898. Excerpts from the chapter on “Stone,” by William
C. Day.
- 1898 – Missouri Stone Industry in 1898, Excerpts from
the Twentieth
Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey (PDF images of sections), Part
VI - Continued, Mineral Resources of the United States, 1898, Nonmetallic
Products, Except Coal and Coke, Government Printing Office, Washington,
D. C., 1899. Excerpts from the chapter on “Stone,” by William
C. Day.
- 1899
- Missouri Mineral Industry circa 1899, Excerpts from The
Mineral Industry, Its Statistics, Technology and Trade in the United States
and Other Countries to The End of 1899, Edited by Richard
P. Rothwell, Vol. VIII. Supplementing Vols. I to VII., 1900.
- 1899- 1900 - Missouri Stone and Building Industry & the United
States, 1899-1900, Excerpts from Twenty-First
Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey (PDF images of sections), Part
VI - Continued, Mineral Resources of the United States, 1899, Nonmetallic
Products, Except Coal and Coke, Government Printing Office, Washington,
D. C., 1897.
- 1900 - The Mining Industry in 1900 in Missouri - from A
Revolution in the Heartland: Changes in Rural Culture, Family and Communities
1900-2000 (in PDF format), by Rex R. Campbell with Mary Campbell & Coleen
Hughes, Department of Rural Sociology, University of Missouri, Columbia,
According to this book, limestone quarrying was one of
the major types of mining that was in operation in the early 1900s. Italian
immigrants were attracted to the jobs in the mines, and they immigrated
to towns in Missouri such as Novinger and Bevier. Missouri limestone was
mined from open pits, and much of the limestone was used to correct the
acidity of the Missouri soil. The quarry industry in Missouri developed
in the early 1900s and continued on through the mid-1900s. “Some of
the larger mines near metropolitan areas have turned into underground mines
that are used for commercial storage after the mining has removed the stone.”
- 1901 - The Missouri Stone and Building Industry & the United
States - 1901, Excerpts from Mineral
Resources of the United States, Calendar Year 1901 (PDF images of sections), David
T. Day, Chief of Division of Mining and Mineral Resources, Department of
the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Government Printing Office,
Washington, D. C., 1902.
- 1902 - The Missouri Stone and Building Industry & the United
States - 1902, Excerpts from Mineral
Resources of the United States, Calendar Year 1902 (PDF images of sections), David
T. Day, Chief of Division of Mining and Mineral Resources, Department of
the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Government Printing Office,
Washington, D. C., 1904.
- 1903 - The Missouri Stone and Building Industry& the United
States - 1903, Excerpts from Mineral
Resources of the United States, Calendar Year 1903 (PDF images of sections), David
T. Day, Chief of Division of Mining and Mineral Resources, Department of
the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Government Printing Office,
Washington, D. C., 1904.
- 1904 - The Missouri Stone and Building Industry & the United
States - 1904, Excerpts from Mineral
Resources of the United States, Calendar Year 1904 (PDF images of sections), David
T. Day, Chief of Division of Mining and Mineral Resources, Department
of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Government Printing Office,
Washington, D. C., 1905.
- 1904
- “The Quarrying Industry
of Missouri,” by E. R. Buckley, Director and State Geologist,
and H. A. Buehler, from Missouri Bureau of Geology and Mines Vol. II, 2nd
Series, Jefferson City, Missouri, Tribune Printing Company, State Printers
and Binders, 1904. (This book is available for reading and downloading
on the Google Book Search” in
the “Full View Books” section.)
- 1905 - Building
Stones, Abrasives, Lime and Calcareous Cements, and Abrasives circa 1905 -
Excerpts from Economic
Geology of The United States, by Heinrich Ries, A.M., Ph.D., Assistant
Professor of Economic Geology at Cornell University, New York: The MacMillan
Company, London: MacMillan & Co., Ltd., November 1905. (“Chapter
III. Building Stones,” pp. 69-91, “Chapter V. Lime and Calcareous
Cements,” pp. 109-123, and “Chapter IX. Abrasives,” pp.
- 1905 - The Missouri Stone and Building Industry, 1905, Excerpts from Mineral Resources of the United States - Calendar Year 1905 (PDF images of sections), Charles D. Walcott, Director, Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1906.
- 1906 - The Missouri Stone and Building Industry, 1906, Excerpts from Mineral Resources of the United States - Calendar Year 1906 (PDF images of sections), George
Otis Smith, Director, Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1907.
- 1907 - The Missouri Stone and Building Industry, 1907, Excerpts from Mineral Resources of the United States, Calendar Year 1907 (PDF images of sections), Part II. Nonmetallic Products, George Otis Smith, Director, Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1908.
- 1908 - The Missouri Stone Industry, 1908, Excerpts from Mineral Resources of the United States, Calendar Year 1908 (PDF images of sections), Part II - Nonmetallic Products, Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1909. Excerpts from the book from the chapter on "Stone," by A. T. Coons.
- 1910 - Missouri Stone Production Statistics in The
Monumental News: A Journal of Monumental Art, Marble, Granite, Stone,
Bronze, Sculpture, Vol. XXII, No. 4, April 1910, pp. 292 in
PDF format.
- 1912
- Missouri Building Stones circa 1912, Excerpts from Building
Stones and Clay-Products: A Handbook For Architects, by Heinrich
Ries, Ph.D., First Edition, 1912.
- 1917
- Missouri Sandstone Industry as of 1917, Excerpts from Sandstone
Quarrying in The United States, Bulletin 124, Mineral Technology 17,
by Oliver Bowles, U. S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Washington,
- 1920
- Mining and Manufacturing in the Ozark Highlands of Missouri -
Excerpt from The
Geology of The Ozark Highland of Missouri, Bulletin No. 7, by Carl
O. Sauer, published for the Geographic Society of Chicago, 1920, pp.
209-214. (Chapter XIV. Mining and Manufacturing)
- 1921 & 1922
- Marble Production in
Missouri - Article from Stone Magazine, February
1924, Vol. XLV, No. 2, pp. 159)
- 1923 - Missouri
Marble Production as of 1923 - Excerpt from Stone Magazine,
July 1925, Vol. XLVI, No. 7, pp. 426.
- 1923
- Missouri Monument Business circa
1923 - Excerpt from Monumental News: Granite, Marble, Stone,
Bronze Sculpture, March 1923, Vol. XXX, No. 3.
- 1924
- Missouri Marble Industry circa
1924 from “Memoranda About Marble: With Special Reference
to Southern Marbles,” by John Stephen Sewell, in Monumental News Magazine,
March 1924, Vol. 2, No. 11.
- 1925 - The
Missouri Marble Industry from “The Marble Business: A Southern Industry,” By
Colonel John Stephen Sewell (Courtesy The Southern Banker), pp.
17-24, in Throvgh The Ages Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 6, October,
- 1926 - The
Missouri Marble Industry from “The History of Marble,” by
Col. John Stephen Sewell in Through The Ages Magazine, Vol. 3,
No. 12, April 1926, pp. 28-35.
- 1946 (up through) - Missouri
Marble - Excerpts from Missouri Marble, by
Norman S. Hinchey, Report of Investigations No. 3, Missouri Geological
Survey and Water Resources, Rolla, Missouri, 1946.
- 1994 - 2006 - The
Mineral Industry of Missouri – United States
Geological Survey (1994 through 2006) (Scroll down to the “Publications” section.)
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