By G. Hambach, Palæontologist
In Geological Survey of Missouri, Bulletin No. 1, Jefferson City
April, 1890.
“The following catalogue of fossils contains, so far as is known, the names of all species occurring in Missouri, excepting such as are new and undescribed. All insufficiently known species have been omitted, and for a number of others the old generic names have been retained, in order not to increase the number of synonyms; especially in such cases where their propriety is doubtful.
“The classification is a zoological and botanical one, at the head of each sub-kingdom, is a table giving the classes, orders, families, and genera included in it. The species of each class are arranged in alphabetical order. The number in front of the names of the species refer to corresponding numbers in front of the family names to which the species belong. The supposed geological horizon is indicated by a dash in the appropriate columns, and the locality where each species has been obtained is also given. It is not to be understood, however, from this catalogue, that the localities given are the only localities in which the particular species may be found; on the contrary, future discoveries may bring to light others and even better localities than those mentioned in the list.”
(To see the supporting tables and other data select pages 64 through 85 in PDF format.)
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