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The Kentucky Stone Industry, 1908

Excerpts from

Mineral Resources of the United States
Calendar Year 1908, Part II - Nonmetallic Products

Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey
Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1909.

Excerpts from the book are from the chapter on "Stone," by A. T. Coons.

Building Stone Distribution:  Distribution of the various kinds of building stone and the localities where the different varieties of stone are now being quarried or may be quarried in the future for Kentucky are:  Limestone, dolomite, sandstone, onyx marble.

Stone Production in Kentucky:  In Kentucky most of the sandstone quarried and sold is known locally as freestone.

Onyx Marble:  The Kentucky deposits of cave onyx at Cave City, in Barron County, have been worked for commercial purposes.

Marble: In 1908 the commercial output of marble was from Vermont, Georgia, Tennessee, New York, Massachusetts, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Maryland, California, Colorado, Alaska, North Carolina, Kentucky, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, and Idaho, with a quantity for Missouri included with limestone.  In 1908 Colorado and North Carolina reentered as productive States, and Oklahoma and Washington dropped out.  Vermont, Tennessee, and Georgia increased in value of output; the other States decreased.

Limestone:  The chief States producing limestone in 1908 were, in order of rank of value, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, New York, and Missouri, each reporting over $2,000,000.  In 1907 the rank of production for these States was Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New York, and Missouri; Indiana and Ohio passed Illinois in 1908 and took second and third places, respectively, while Illinois fell to fourth place. States reporting a value of over $500,000 in 1908 were Wisconsin, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, West Virginia, Tennessee, and Iowa; in 1907 these States ranked as follows:  Wisconsin, Kentucky, West Virginia, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Alabama, Iowa, and Colorado.  In 1908 Kansas, Alabama, and Colorado dropped from this class of States, and Tennessee, with an increased output of crushed stone for road making, entered it.

Crushed Limestone:  Ohio ranked first in 1908 in the production of crushed limestone, followed by Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Indiana, Wisconsin, Kentucky, and Tennessee, in the order named.  In 1907 Illinois held first place, followed by Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Indiana, Kentucky, Wisconsin, and Kansas, in the order named.  In 1908 the values reported by these 9 States ranged from $2,032,925 to $328,685, and represented 82.60 per cent of the total crushed limestone output; in 1907 the values for the 9 states ranged from $2,576,155 to $489,709, and represented 83.46 per cent of the total crushed limestone.  Ohio, New York, Illinois, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Michigan, named according to value of output, produced the greater part of the stone for road making, a considerable increase being noted in Tennessee, due to a large quantity of stone crushed locally for new roads.

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